[终极一班5][2018][全60集][国语中字][WEB 您所在的位置:网站首页 终极一班 rmvb 下载 [终极一班5][2018][全60集][国语中字][WEB


2023-11-09 16:23| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


终极一班5的剧情介绍,时空缝缝一场惊天风暴,终极元老被黑暗吞噬,辜战身负重伤,独留自责的裘球,分崩离析的终极一班,揭开金时空混战黑幕。 传奇亚瑟王回归新任班导,决心带领终极一班考大学!高冷指挥官蓝斯洛、史上最弱高中生小虎、抓狂管训出狱的万双龙,喋血争夺新老大之位,武力裁决所重新开张,幕后黑手摘不完的面具,异能势力即将洗牌!

The story takes place a month after Ko One remember, where the great battle in the iron dimension is still ongoing. simultaneously in the gold dimension, there was a huge storm in the seams of dimensions. some were swallowed by the darkness, Gu Zhan (Wes Lo) was seriously injured, leaving Qiu Qiu (Yu-Fei Wen) to blame herself. With the ultimate class falling apart, it uncovers the battle between the gold dimension and the darkness. The legendary Ya Se Wang (Calvin Chen) has returned as the new class teacher, determined to lead the students into university. The cold commander Lan Si Luo (Evan Ma), the world's weakest high-schooler Xiao Hu (Zhongxi Jin), Wan Shuang Long (Sam Lin) who was released from prison after being wanted everywhere, all fight for the new position as the class leader, the reopening of the Martial Arts Syndicate, the mask that the evil guy behind-the-scenes keeps borrowing, powers are about to shuffle around.


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EP01.mp4(54.05 MB) EP02.mp4(60.63 MB) EP03.mp4(67.89 MB) EP04.mp4(67.77 MB) EP05.mp4(66.51 MB) EP06.mp4(65.01 MB) EP07.mp4(60.17 MB) EP08微博:卡其影视菌.mp4(63.27 MB) EP09.mp4(64.34 MB) EP10.mp4(56.78 MB) EP11.mp4(63.80 MB) EP12.mp4(65.83 MB) EP13.mp4(63.24 MB) EP14微博:卡其影视菌.mp4(105.73 MB) EP15.mp4(113.52 MB) EP16.mp4(105.47 MB) EP17.mp4(103.93 MB) EP18.mp4(111.69 MB) EP19.mp4(116.95 MB) EP20.mp4(113.60 MB) EP21.mp4(124.46 MB) EP22.mp4(104.74 MB) EP23.mp4(97.53 MB) EP24.mp4(109.94 MB) EP25.mp4(118.59 MB) EP26.mp4(98.79 MB) EP27.mp4(99.47 MB) EP28.mp4(100.22 MB) EP29.mp4(94.51 MB) EP30.mp4(92.44 MB) EP31.mp4(100.14 MB) EP32.mp4(105.52 MB) EP33.mp4(109.19 MB) EP34.mp4(186.38 MB) EP35.mp4(140.73 MB) EP36.mp4(135.13 MB) EP37.mp4(202.88 MB) EP38.mp4(180.42 MB) EP39.mp4(193.85 MB) EP40.mp4(144.56 MB) EP41.mp4(167.80 MB) EP42.mp4(151.27 MB) EP43.mp4(180.77 MB) EP44.mp4(120.43 MB) EP45.mp4(116.40 MB) EP46.mp4(118.43 MB) EP47.mp4(106.30 MB) EP48.mp4(111.83 MB) EP49.mp4(119.72 MB) EP50微信公众号:心心向影.mp4(106.08 MB) EP51.mp4(114.51 MB) EP52.mp4(111.18 MB) EP53.mp4(108.64 MB) EP54.mp4(158.21 MB) EP55.mp4(184.17 MB) EP56.mp4(158.41 MB) EP57.mp4(183.60 MB) EP58.mp4(224.35 MB) EP59.mp4(152.36 MB) EP60微信公众号:心心向影.mp4(196.21 MB) 精彩评论

关于年少时的喜欢 也关于长大后的好感 所以给五星 算是对青春的一种纪念情怀不是给你用来消费的!这个系列也是相当神奇了,都出到5了。受众定位也是打得很准,低龄化目标,所以对于我而言,真的是半点看不下去。花灵龙这个打扮真的要帅一点,以前那个是什么鬼啊…… 能看到5的人估计对剧情要求也不高吧,想看就看,不想看关了就好,有什么可抱怨的?就算终2有大东还不是被骂很惨,有没有大东口碑真的有差很多吗? ———————————— 看了最后一集,这💩一样的结局,两颗星算多了吧……感觉三十好几的人拍铠甲勇士。

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